
Caren Stelson



for all

Greetings from Dr. Takayuki Miyanishi:
Caren Stelson and Sachiko’s
translator from Nagasaki

Front row: Sachiko and sis­ter Etsuko
Back row: Caren Stelson, Dr. Takayuki Miyanishi, and good friend, Fumiko Yamaguchi

This past November, I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to trav­el to Nagasaki again to vis­it Sachiko Yasui. I also had a chance to recon­nect with my good friend Dr. Takayuki Miyanishi, Professor of Environmental Science at Nagasaki University and pres­i­dent of the Nagasaki-Saint Paul Sister City Committee. Dr. Miyanishi was also Sachiko Yasui and my trans­la­tor each time I vis­it­ed Nagasaki to inter­view Sachiko for our book project. Dr. Miyanishi gave his time and his heart to our project. He believed in the impor­tance of Sachiko’s sto­ry as much as I did. Here is a greet­ing from Dr. Miyanishi, orig­i­nal­ly for the Saint Paul-Nagaskai Sister Committee in St. Paul, Minnesota, but tru­ly a hol­i­day mes­sage for all of us.

[su_row][su_column size=“1/2” center=“no” class=“”][/su_column] [su_column size=“1/2” center=“no” class=“”]bk_sachiko_400pxhi-2702315[/su_column][/su_row]

Have a safe and hap­py hol­i­day season.gr_peace_dove_150px-5877084

May peace pre­vail on earth.

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