Back row: Caren Stelson, Dr. Takayuki Miyanishi, and good friend, Fumiko Yamaguchi
This past November, I had the opportunity to travel to Nagasaki again to visit Sachiko Yasui. I also had a chance to reconnect with my good friend Dr. Takayuki Miyanishi, Professor of Environmental Science at Nagasaki University and president of the Nagasaki-Saint Paul Sister City Committee. Dr. Miyanishi was also Sachiko Yasui and my translator each time I visited Nagasaki to interview Sachiko for our book project. Dr. Miyanishi gave his time and his heart to our project. He believed in the importance of Sachiko’s story as much as I did. Here is a greeting from Dr. Miyanishi, originally for the Saint Paul-Nagaskai Sister Committee in St. Paul, Minnesota, but truly a holiday message for all of us.
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Have a safe and happy holiday season.
May peace prevail on earth.